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Blogging Culture

How I Changed My Entire Blog With One Word

Happy April! I am so happy it is finally getting to springtime. As much as I love cozy blankets and hot drinks, I am so ready to ditch the puffy coats and sniffly noses. A new month means a new blogging tips post here…

April 3, 2017
Culture Fitness Lifestyle

Vitamin ZZZ

I’ve been thinking a lot about sleep lately. It’s so bizarre to me how deeply sleep can affect my mood and how people have such drastically different sleeping patterns or needs. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can sleep for 13 or…

March 30, 2017
Blogging Culture

The Harsh Reality to Making Your Blog Interesting

As always, since its the first week of the month, here’s another blogging tip! It seems that everyone thinks they can blog. About anything. While this isn’t totally untrue, it’s also not totally true. Some of my best (and most interesting!) friends have tried…

March 2, 2017
Airports Lifestyle Plane Travel

Hipster Travel Websites

Sure, anyone could write a post about travel websites. Airbnb? A little overhyped. Skyscanner? I could use it with my eyes closed. While these are amaaaazing services that I definitely couldn’t live without, there are so many other amazing travel websites out there. From…

February 20, 2017
Culture Lifestyle

Confessions of a Book Worm

I have been wanting to do a post on some books for the LONGEST time. I just feel like no one’s realllllly interested in my laundry of books that I want to read and single-book review posts aren’t that great. So. Instead, here’s a…

February 16, 2017
Culture Lifestyle

February Projects

Can you believe it’s already February? I know I say that at the start of ever month but January seriously seemed to fly by. Also, sorry for missing Monday’s post; I was in St Moritz, Switzerland watching snow polo. I know. It sounds crazy.…

February 2, 2017

5 Steps To Get That Coffee Shop Atmosphere Anywhere

I am the WORST when it comes to doing work anywhere but a coffee shop. I find my room too small, the library too quite and my living room too crazy. A coffee shop atmosphere on the other hand: juuuuuuuust right. (I’ve even been…

April 25, 2016

How To Travel When Hungover

I think having to travel when hungover should be a circle of hell. Headaches + nausea + the shakes? No thanks. I do know some people that are good with hangovers. They tend to embrace them, especially when they know they’ve partied as hard…

March 17, 2016