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Destinations Slider Travel

Athens Athens Athens

As I write this post high up in the air on my way back from Athens, I am so excited to share all my thoughts with you. Athens is a weird but awesome city. Obviously, Greece is having some hard times and has been…

March 28, 2016

How To Travel When Hungover

I think having to travel when hungover should be a circle of hell. Headaches + nausea + the shakes? No thanks. I do know some people that are good with hangovers. They tend to embrace them, especially when they know they’ve partied as hard…

March 17, 2016
Culture Travel

Out of The Box: Travel Memory Box

I always loved the idea of scrapbooks. The little stickers, pretty calligraphy and actual printed photos. Unfortunately, my life doesn’t really allow time for scrapbooking (I do this think called blogging sometimes instead). There are obviously also a million other ways to remember memories…

March 7, 2016
Blogging Culture Travel

Why I’m Not Realllllllllly a Travel Blogger

Yes, I love travel. Yes, I blog about travel. Yes, my blog title literally has to do with travel. Yes, I’ve lived in two continents (kinda). But yet, I don’t feel like I’m really a travel blogger. I think there are two main reasons…

February 22, 2016

FREE (or almost free) Things To Do No Matter Where You Travel

The harsh reality of travel is that it’s expensive! Even with cheap flights being offered by RyanAir or EasyJet, there are still airport transfers, accommodation, transport and food costs. As well as this, although it’s not essential, many people like to rent a car…

January 11, 2016

Travel Wish List

I’m sure you’ve seen Fall Wardrobe Wish Lists galore. And I’m sure they all made you drool but I think one can only see so many earthy-toned-huge-knit sweaters (don’t get me wrong though; I’m right there drooling with you!). SO instead, here’s my travel…

September 24, 2015