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Culture Lifestyle

January Blues

Ahhhhhhh, January. The first month of the year. It also happens to be one of the worst months. (Shoutout to the people who like January, major respect). The January Blues aren’t just due to the holiday season being over. The January Blues are actually…

January 9, 2017
Blogging Culture

How To Save Blog Posts Drafts from Oblivion

Welcome to 2017!!!!! As always, the first post of the month is a blogging tips post. So pour yourself a cup of your favourite warm beverage (I think mulled wine still counts) and enjoy! You know when you get a kick-ass blog post idea…

January 2, 2017
Blogging Culture

Get Relaunch-y

I’m so excited to announce the relaunch of Gymbags and Jetlags! While it may not look like much of a change (yes, the menu is now white haha), I promise you can look forward to a bunch of content changes coming up. What kind of…

December 26, 2016
Culture Fitness Food

5 Truths About Being A Celiac

Gluten has become such a buzzword nowadays. And not in a nice way. I was diagnosed with Celiac’s disease when I was 14. I think I actually got pretty lucky finding out then because I meant that I had time to try most gluten-filled…

May 9, 2016
Blogging Culture

6 Things To Know About Dating a Blogger

It’s the start of a new month with mean new a blogging tips post! After reading this (kinda bad) article by Cosmo on “15 Things to Know Before You Gate A Girl Who Blogs,” and then Teegan’s (much better) post on “15 (Real) Things…

May 5, 2016

5 Steps To Get That Coffee Shop Atmosphere Anywhere

I am the WORST when it comes to doing work anywhere but a coffee shop. I find my room too small, the library too quite and my living room too crazy. A coffee shop atmosphere on the other hand: juuuuuuuust right. (I’ve even been…

April 25, 2016
Culture Fitness Tips

How does Moisturiser Work?

After seeing so so many beauty blogs reviewing so many different kinds of moisturiser, I couldn’t help but wonder how does moisturiser work? Those of you who have followed this blog for some time know that I love doing kind of sciencey-things-made-fun posts. If…

April 18, 2016
Blogging Culture

Blog Writing Tips

It may not be the start of a new month quite yet but it’s almost April! That means a new Blogging Tips post! As always, I cannot believe we’re FOUR months into 2016 already. But I’m psyched that the weather is warming up and…

March 31, 2016
Culture Travel

Out of The Box: Travel Memory Box

I always loved the idea of scrapbooks. The little stickers, pretty calligraphy and actual printed photos. Unfortunately, my life doesn’t really allow time for scrapbooking (I do this think called blogging sometimes instead). There are obviously also a million other ways to remember memories…

March 7, 2016