Even though school seems to have just started, I already am getting a sudden wanderlust. Going to school in Europe is amazing but somewhat frustrating because I feel like I should be traveling all over! To satisfy this itch to travel, I’ve been planning…
** Today we’re doing something new (yay newness!). Here is Gymbags and Jetlags’ FIRST EVER GUEST POST featuring the lovely Kerstin from Miss GetAway. Enjoy! Aloha everyone! My name is Kerstin and on my blog, missgetaway.com, I write about Travel- and Lifestyle. When Pia…
Oh the infamous “staycation.” Urban Dictionary defines it as “a vacation that is spent at one’s home enjoying all that home and one’s home environs have to offer” (there are some other more colourful definitions too). I personally LOVE the idea of getting a…
One of part of growing up is realising that when you go on vacation, life doesn’t just magically stop the way it used to. Emails keep coming. Deadlines continue approaching. Projects are still lingering. I hate being that person who’s always desperate for a charger…
You know that feeling when you picked out the perfect vacation, the time is right and the money is long? But sometimes all that planning can seem a little daunting. So today we’re going to go back to basics and breaking down the steps…
Confession: I’m a procrastipacker. I wait until the very last minute to pack because I always assume it’ll take only five minutes. (Yes, even when I have to pack to go back to school for four months… My flight leaves in 36 hours and…
Can you really be a semi-travel blog without a “how to travel on a budget post”?! I think not. Travel is awesome. Travel is also expensive. Between transport and lodging costs to food and activity expenses, trips tend to take quite a large bite…
I could sit here chirping away about finding hotel-room-friendly workouts and running around foreign cities… but I won’t. Although, I’d love to go for a run around the countryside in a place like Thailand. I’d make sure I’ve had my jabs for Thailand beforehand…
Now a’days, if you want to travel somewhere, chances are you have quite a few options of how to get there: plane, car, bike (major respect), boat or train. While I most often find myself on planes when it comes to traveling, I do…
Woo, I made it to Philly! I also learned that I’m practically incapable of getting off at the right bus stop. Oh well, you learn something new everyday. And while bussing is generally the most frowned upon mode of transportation, I’ve found that for…