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Blogging Culture Travel

Why I’m Not Realllllllllly a Travel Blogger

Yes, I love travel. Yes, I blog about travel. Yes, my blog title literally has to do with travel. Yes, I’ve lived in two continents (kinda). But yet, I don’t feel like I’m really a travel blogger. I think there are two main reasons…

February 22, 2016
Blogging Slider


GUYS. THIS IS IT. Yes, yes, yes! This is G&J’s 100th post! I can’t believe how many words I’ve written and better yet, how amazing my readers are (yes, I’m in a sappy mood). *regaining composure* What better way to mark 100 posts than making…

February 8, 2016
Blogging Culture Slider

THE Best Web and Phone Apps for Bloggers… Ever.

Can you believe another month has flown by?! Gymbags and Jetlags just turned 5 months old!! For you new readers, on the 1st (-ish) of every month I post some blogging tips, generally about something I’ve learned from the blogger-sphere over the past month.…

November 2, 2015
Blogging Culture

The Liebster Award!

Eeeeek. I get so excited whenever I’m nominated for something like this! I love the concept of these awards (like the Versatile Blogger Award) getting passed on to more and more bloggers each time. Honestly, everyone deserves one! (My usual readers know what I’m…

October 21, 2015

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Blog

So you wanna start a blog? (Or already have one and like reading these “things you should know before starting a blog” posts anyway?) Awesome-sauce! A new month means a new blogging-tips post! When I started my first blog (#tbt to Dipped In Gold),…

October 1, 2015
Blogging Culture Fitness Running Tips

Saturday Staples: Run, Zombies!

* Saturday/Sunday Staples is a new post series where each week I share one thing I couldn’t live without; a staple in my life. I promise this series will never feature any sponsored content and will always be my organic, true opinions. Enjoy! *…

August 29, 2015